Science fiction, romance and horror novels from
This website has two missions:
+ To share my three short downloadable eBooks and their translations in six languages.
+ To further explore the most significant one, "Restoring Paradise -The Sydney Experiment"
and its daring question:
Can we manifest a world without suffering
by harmonizing Earth's electromagnetic spectrum, restoring the ancient Golden Age
that Genesis and other Books talk about and
ushering in the
Brotherhood of All Beings?
Join the adventure and become part of a global conversation about hope, harmony,
and the profound potential for restoring
Eden's Garden.
"Suffering has an energy pattern. This energy pattern contaminates the Energy field of Earth.
Today’s world has a lot of suffering.
Whatever you humans do to lessen suffering, it won’t be enough, because most suffering originates from killing.
Killing for food is unavoidable because most creatures need animal protein to survive.
In Paradise there was no killing and no death, therefore there was no suffering.
Creatures all had „manna” (whatever it was) as their food. All creatures survived and strived on manna.
We usually take „Eden's Garden,” as a location, but it may have been a time period instead,
extending to the whole area of Earth.
It may have lasted thousands or millions of years possibly extending from the beginning of Life on Earth.
So, Earth had a long period of „good times” and a much shorter, 6-thousand years of „screwed-up-world”.
It makes a difference, doesn’t it??
We need to find „Manna” to feed all living creatures.
This will eliminate the reason for killing other beautiful creatures of the Creator for survival.
All ancient scriptures talk about a so-called „Primordial Seed” that manna grows from.
We need to find the „Primordial Seed,” plant it and make it available for all.
It is a huge undertaking.
If we tried to do all that, we would meet dark forces that thwart our every move.
To make our journey a success, we have to tune in to the Field and disconnect the Field from outer forces.
After disconnection, we have to clean the Field. The light of the growing manna will help our efforts immensely.
Then we can reconnect all creatures to the Field and with each other.
Then we reconnect to the outer forces again.