They connect us to the Akashic field, and through that everything else including all living creatures of Earth.

Whatever happened, is the result of changes in Akashic field, and by making changes in the Akashic field we can make changes happen.

All living beings are connected to the Field. Humans and mammals  were originally connected through their pineal gland, but it gradually has become dysfunctioonal in many humans, which is often attributed to various environmental and lifestyle factors. One major cause is the excessive exposure to artificial light, particularly blue light from screens, which disrupts the body's natural circadian rhythms and melatonin production. Additionally, exposure to certain chemicals, like fluoride, heavy metals, and pesticides, can calcify the pineal gland, impairing its function. Chronic stress, poor diet, and lack of exposure to natural sunlight also play a role in its dysfunction.


   Chakra demonstration: the lowermost Root chakra is connected to the Earth (just like electric circuitts are "grounded"). The uppermost Crone-chakra is supposed to connect to the electromagnetic field of the earth, which is part of the Akashic Field.